We aim to create green and circular cities with zero waste and zero emission by establishing central, integrated and modular Basalia Bio-Circular Processes in optimum locations together with local authorities, to transform, clean, and decompose all organic and inorganic waste of a city.
As a result, the city will get “clean soil, clean water and clean air” while solving its waste in a sustainable and circular manner. Subsequently, the income of local authorities will increase due to the economic returns to be obtained from this cooperation, thus the quality of life and welfare of the people living in the city will also increase. With 7Cbasalia, local authorities and cities will achieve a self-financing, self-sustainable, and circular economic structure.
Basalia Green and Circular City Project is an “environmental and development project.”

Green and Circular cities will be created by installing bioreactors at locations where there are settlements and where solid wastes accumulate, obtaining renewable energy (Basalia Gas ™) and Basalia Solid™ from organic and inorganic solid wastes.

Basalia Gas will be transferred to natural gas networks or an electricity transmission line to meet the city's energy requirements. The produced Basalia Solid will be transported to the points where wastewater needs to be cleaned, in order to obtain clean water that can be used circularly.

This clean water will be transferred to the water networks and will meet the water usage requirements of the city; such as agriculture, industrial, utility, etc. At the same time, it will be possible to clean the existing rivers and seas with the processes to be established. As a result, the water of the city and the entire region will be cleaned.

By installing a carbon capture unit in industrial zones, flue gas emissions will be neutralised with Basalia Solid, cleaning the air of the city and ensuring zero emissions.

Basalia Solid, which is used in wastewater cleaning and carbon capture processes and has completed its function, will be taken into a separate reactor and further energy will be obtained, along with Basalia Nano Powder, which will be used in the area of circular new generation materials.

With the Basalia Soil Reclamation process to be applied to agricultural areas, the soil will be reformed, and the productivity of agricultural areas will increase, facilitating clean agriculture.

The air, water and soil of the city, which will become green and circular, will be clean. The city will be transformed into a zero waste, zero emission city with Basalia Bio-Circular Technology, and there will be direct and indirect multifaceted environmental and development effects.
Direct Effects
A natural, circular and sustainable city will be created, that has solved all of its organic and inorganic waste problems and has clean "soil, air and water".
There will be a peaceful society and a strong local authority that has transformed its wastes into high economic value with direct application projects.
Income synergy will be created for the local authorities budget with the savings that will be made from reducing its previous expenditures on wastes.
With the renewable energy produced, there will be an opportunity to sell electricity and gas at higher prices than the market and with purchase guarantees.
It will be a city that uses less fossils fuels.
With the Waste Wealth Fund that is to be established by the local authority, investments in areas such as health, education, environment, innovation and infrastructure will increase throughout the city.
Indirect Effects
All-round quality development will be ensured.
Psycho-social added values will increase due to a more liveable habitat.
Transform into a city where more people would like to live, study and own property.
Increased real estate values and the development of the housing sector.
As an environment and development project, the city's gravity and vacuum effect will increase as the attractiveness of the city increases.
The tourism sector will greatly develop within the city.
With the development of business establishment and working opportunities, clusters will begin with the production of new generation goods and services in the city.
Welfare and quality of life will increase.
Green and Circular City Model Application